Tuesday 1 July 2014

Nudgee GC Member Rides to Conquer Cancer!

One of Nudgee Golf Club's members, Brad Petley has entered himself into the Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer 2014 which kick off in August. Each participant in the ride has an obligation to raise at least $2,500 by the commencement of the event. To date, Brad has raised $1,035 and needs the help of Nudgee Members to reach the $2500 total.  Club Professional, John Downs has kindly agreed to assist by featuring a raffle basket and selling raffle tickets in the Pro Shop. Tickets for the are $2 each, 3 for $5 or 8 for $10 and will be drawn at Nudgee (eg. in Pro Shop or clubhouse) at 12midday on Saturday 9 August 2014.  

Members will also be able to donate as there is a collection tin on the bar within the club house. Any small change will be happily accepted.

The Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer is taking place on 16-17 August, 2014.  The Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer® benefits the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute  a world leader in cancer research and one of the largest and most successful medical research institutes in Australia. The Ride is 200 kilometres over two days through (yet to be disclosed) Qld countryside.  

For more information on the ride, go to www.conquercancer.org.au 

Good luck Brad!

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